Media & Entertainment — Media Asset Management

Media & Entertainment — Media Asset Management

Cost-effective, petabyte-scalable solutions that accelerate your media workflow

Media & Entertainment Industry Storage Survey

Media Active Archive with Disk Performance at up to 47% Cost Savings Over LTO Tape

Your active archive is a vital part of your media asset management workflow. You need scalable and cost-effective capacity to accommodate formats such as 4K, 8K, and VR/360. And you need media to be instantly available to keep up with time-pressured schedules. Cloudian® meets this challenge with a cost-effective, disk-based active archive.

M&E Solution Brief

object storage for media workflows


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GBH Educational Foundation

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Vox Media

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CBS Corporation

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Vox Media Turns to Cloudian Hyperstore to Meet Growing Archive Demand

Company automates archive process and eliminates steps to accelerate workflow by 10X

Vox Media creates digital content that caters to technology, sports, and video game enthusiasts. At any given time, the firm has multiple active projects, including videos, podcasts, and other digital content across multiple sites. Together, these digital projects drive demand for multiple petabytes of data storage and effective media asset management.

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GBH Boston

A Hybrid Cloud Media Active Archive

Public media powerhouse GBH Boston produces more than 50% of all PBS programming. Until recently, video assets were archived on tape, and portable drives were on everyone’s desk. With Cloudian, GBH now has a disk-based active archive on-premises, and a secure remote location for disaster recovery. All on disk and immediately available to producers and editing teams.


Cloudian Enterprise Storage for Media Workflows

Learn how Cloudian is transforming the Media & Entertainment industry by providing customers with limitless capacity, automated data protection, and cloud integration for Artificial Intelligence and machine learning-based media enrichment.

This demo shows Cloudian HyperStore’s extensive metadata capabilities that provide fast, Google-like search and powerful data analytics for effective media asset management.

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tco paper

70% Less OpEx Cost Than LTO-9 Tape

No more trading off cost vs performance. Cloudian gives you high-performance at cloud-like prices, down to 0.5 cents per GB per month, in your own data center.

Learn more by downloading a TCO report that compares object storage to tape for active archives and backup.

Tape vs Object Storage


Tape: Does it Measure Up?

An Insider’s Guide to Data Center Modernization

Historically, media and entertainment organizations have relied on LTO tape as the most economical option for long-term data archiving and backup — but that is beginning to change.

The inability to access, complexity to manage, and increasing overall costs of maintaining and expanding aging tape libraries are prompting many networks, studios, and production companies to explore other options. This insider’s guide touches upon various aspects of modernizing your data center, starting from the drawbacks of tape to alternatives like on-prem cloud storage, and what it takes to move from legacy, tape-based storage to an object storage platform such as Cloudian HyperStore

Media & Entertainment Partner Solutions

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